
How to be creative when you’re not feeling it

There are days when I can’t find my flow. As a creative professional, when I can’t be “creative” I feel unproductive and start to freak out that I’m not using my time wisely. Before I allow myself to enter that downward spiral, I take a step a back and figure out ways I can support my future self to be more productive. Those steps look different depending on the day. Some days I focus on self-care and step completely away from work. And other days I spend time analyzing my creative workflow or doing some background research so that I have everything lined up for the next time I’m feeling creative.

I’ve had my own creative studio in my home for over 20 years and it’s taken time and patience to hone in on the combination of things that allow me to find my flow. Sometimes I sit down to work and can’t even remember doing the work at the end of the day. It came in an effortless way – I was in the flow – almost like I was being guided to create. I’ve heard some creatives speak about times when they’re co-creating with the universe – that they are so in tune with universal energy that it flows through them. It’s days like those that make me love what I do. But sometimes I’ll go weeks and not feel that way. It takes a journey inward to really analyze where inspiration comes from and even then, the source can be elusive.

Here are a few of my tips and tricks for those times when you’re having a hard time finding your own flow:

I need to preface this information with my circumstances so you can understand better some of my perspective. I’m a working mom. I have 2 sons and a puppy now, which makes juggling creative projects challenging at times. For one thing, having my studio in my home opens my world up to the constant interruptions that come with being a mom. So if my boys are home, then my creative moments can be few and far between. Or, if I’m suddenly struck with inspiration, sometimes it’s a challenge to find the space to get my ideas down on paper before they go away (or before I have to remember the password to log into the Xbox or Minecraft or *insert any device here*).

If I start to find that I feel frustrated that I can’t seem to get my ideas out of my head in a way that makes me happy, then that’s a tell-tale sign that I need to change my direction. I do this by walking completely away from my work. I do something (anything) else.  Since my studio is in my house, some days I’ll spend time getting caught up on chores that are looming or straightening things to make my physical space feel more in tune. One of the things that I’ve learned about myself over the years is that if my physical space is in order, I can find mental space to create (I know it sounds weird, especially when the stereo-typical creative space is usually messy). But in the order, I can find peace and probably feel a little more in control. I’m sure I could spend hours talking to a professional counselor about it.

One of my tried-and-true ways of finding my creative flow is to move my body. I’m a runner, so sometimes going out for a couple of miles can clear my head and reset. Or maybe I take my dog for a walk just to get some fresh air. Any way I can move my body, generally helps me to feel less stagnant and more open. If that doesn’t do the trick, then sometimes I just need to change my physical location. If I explore a new part of town or find a new place to have lunch, or even meet a friend to catch up for coffee then sometimes I can return to work feeling refreshed. On other days, an outing like that can make it worse if it creates a tighter time constraint (remember, as a working mom I’m juggling carpool, soccer, whining, food, and ALL THE THINGS so the time I have to work/create is already tight).

For those of you who don’t know this about me, I went to college to study engineering. Now that I’m a professional creative, there’s a good chance that on any given day, the left side of my brain is fighting the right side of my brain (or vice versa). I can remember the extreme pressure I used to put on myself in the early days of my studio, to be productive each and every day. It took years of self-reflection to really understand my motivation and my own creative patterns to better support myself on days when I am in a flow. What I’ve learned is that I don’t force myself to create when I don’t feel it. Instead, if I find it necessary to feel productive, I choose to do a background task that can optimize my creative workflow in the future. 

Everyone is different and you need to experiment with your own time and energy to find solutions that work for you. I’ve shared some of mine here, but I’ll be the first one to tell you that I’m still (and hopefully always will be) a work in progress.  Happy Creating Everyone!

If I’m feeling stuck be NEED to feel productive:
Compiling a list of places I find inspiration for a given project
Organizing files or physical samples/collections to use as future inspiration
Combining list of ideas I’ve been brainstorming into a master list for a project
Creating background textures
Researching new techniques or taking a tutorial to learn something new
Brainstorming new projects or business partners
Background business tasks (accounting, etc)

I’m feeling a little stuck – here’s a list of things to get your creativity moving:
Change the medium you’re working in (if you’re working digitally try sketching)
Explore the internet for inspiration (*BIG caveat here: don’t spend too much time doing this or scrolling through Instagram because that can have the reverse effect)
Go for a quick walk/run for some fresh air
Straighten up your workspace/surroundings (works for me!)

If I’m feeling REALLY stuck:
Walk away from work
Give yourself permission and space to take time off
Go somewhere new
Walk in the woods
Meet a friend for coffee/go to lunch
Take a bath/shower (this is huge for me because personal hygiene takes a back seat to my kids some days)


The Perfect Thank You Note

Ok, you got me. There’s no such thing as a perfect thank you note. Honestly, if anyone takes the time to thank you verbally, or even better, write a note to thank you, then it’s perfect.

We’re inundated with information these days – so much so, that it can be overwhelming – which is why it’s more important than ever to relish the moments and people who bring us joy and be grateful for them. Acknowledging someone else’s kindness can strengthen your connection to them and can be a wonderful opportunity to reflect on all of the things in our lives that we appreciate and value.

However you choose to communicate your gratitude, know that the simple act of sharing your feelings can be a deep and meaningful gesture for both you and the person you acknowledge. Adding some fun personal touches to your note can make it feel even more special, so check out the video below!


Welcome Back!

Welcome back, friends!
After a few years of taking a break, I’ve decided to start blogging again. Now that my kids are a little older and are way too cool to do DIY projects with me, I’m shifting the content focus towards my creative business. For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been running my own creative studio for over 20 years. My work has included comprehensive brand and logo design, packaging and web design, web development, publishing a few kids’ books and developing content to license for greeting cards and other products sold worldwide.

Over 50 million individual greeting cards that I’ve designed have been sold worldwide.

I want to share some of my knowledge and experience with you as well as some of the strategies I use to balance my creative career with being a busy mom. I’m hoping to better document some of my learning opportunities, current musings, and ways to continue to grow as an artist and a person. My motto is to Celebrate Everything – from big accomplishments to simple moments. I am so very grateful for this amazing and messy life. Thank you for being here following along. I’d love to get to know you, so check out my IG feed and connect with me!

Lifestyle Thoughts Uncategorized

10 things you can do to add some KINDNESS to the world today

Yes, these suggestions have all been published before in countless places already. But I think the more we’re reminded of the big impact we can have through simple gestures, the more apt we are to actually do them ourselves. So, here’s a list of small things we can do to have a big impact on the world and people around us today:

  1. Buy someone a coffee
    I haven’t been out-and-about that much lately, but when I am, sometimes I treat myself to a coffee at Starbucks. In the past 2 weeks I’ve bought coffee for the car behind me a total of 5 times (don’t judge me – I need a lot of coffee apparently). The other day I really needed a pick-me-up because my elderly dog had me up most of the night, I was in the middle of a slightly-more-challenging remote learning day with my two children and also had my own work deliverables looming. As I drove up to the cashier to get my coffee, they told me that the car in front of me had paid for it already. The kindness you give to the world comes right back at you when you need it most.
  2. Call a lonely friend or family member
    The holidays this year look very different for most of us. I live approximately 6 hours away from my parents. Our family has chosen to stay safe and apart during the entire pandemic, so it has been hard not to see them during our regular visits. When I’m feeling especially lonely, I pick up the phone can call them. Usually, they’re feeling it too and we can enjoy each other’s company in a completely different way.
  3. Donate coats to children
    Every year our local news station, WRAL has a coat drive for children. I’m usually too busy or distracted this time of year with school parties, getting ready to travel, and the general hectic nature of the holidays. This year I took the time to go through all of our winter hats, gloves and old coats thinking I wouldn’t find much. Guess what? I found 2 huge garbage bags full of warm clothes to donate! Not only did it feel good knowing that children will be warm because of this donation, but it also felt good to clean out things we no longer need. Speaking of which…
  4. Donate clothes and other items you no longer need
    This, again, takes time…and yes, this sounds suspiciously like #3 but is meant to be broader in nature. Back in April, I did this once because I was starting to feel stir-crazy and needed to feel productive. What a great time to organize! But after going through all of our winter clothes, I dove deeper than I have since we first moved into our house over 10 years ago. And I literally brought car loads of stuff to donation centers. Why in the world was I keeping all of this stuff? It feels GREAT that someone else will be able to use the things that were sitting in closets and untouched for years. I read Marie Kondo’s book The Live Changing Magic of Tidying Up about 4 years ago and thought I had already done this.  It turns out, doing it again from a completely different mindset is what I actually needed. Now it feels like 2021 will arrive with less baggage, literally.
  5. Donate money to your local food pantry
    This one seems obvious enough, but I need to include it here because there are SO MANY people who are facing a food shortage. We’re living through unprecedented times. If you’re looking for a last-minute gift for someone, donate food in their name either locally or though organizations like Feeding America.
  6. Give the people who support you a small gift of appreciation
    There are many people in our lives who work in the background supporting us. Giving them a token of appreciation goes a long way…even if you just give them a hand-written card. People like your mail carrier (who is definitely over-worked this holiday season) would love this and it will feel good too.
  7. Send a card
    You knew this one would be on my list (or maybe you didn’t) because I’ve been a greeting card designer and writer for over 20 years. I’ve dedicated my entire career to supporting this gesture. Sending or receiving something in the mail is pretty magical. It’s something that brings joy in a different way than receiving a digital message. Even if you didn’t send a Christmas card with the perfect (or in our case, not-ever-perfect) picture of your family this year, send your close friends a quick hand-written card. They will appreciate it more than you know.
  8. Tell someone you are grateful for them
    Our words have power. Verbalizing something as simple as this can change someone’s whole perspective.
  9. Find some time to do something to take care of yourself.
    Being kind to yourself is being kind to the world. Remember to listen to your inner voice and give yourself time to recharge, reflect and find some peace. Doing this will ensure you can remain centered and put your best foot forward. I bet there are more people than you know looking to you for cues about how to be. Giving the world your best self will create ripples of positivity in your circle and beyond.
  10. Smile at a stranger
    In the age of COVID and masks this one is harder to do than you may think. But there are moments when you make eye contact with another driver or when you’re out somewhere without your mask because you’re far enough apart. Smile at someone. Strike up a random conversation about something. Making these little connections is still so important because it can remind us that we’re not as alone as we may sometimes feel.
  11. Give or send someone a Kindness Card
    Now you’re wondering why my list of 10 things has 11. “Vicky, did you not have your coffee this morning?”. Well, no, I haven’t had enough…clearly this is the 11th thing in my list. But I had to include it because I’m giving away FREE Kindness Cards on my website. They are artful reminders that include messages of encouragement to spread some kindness in the world. We need it now more than ever. Get yours HERE. For only the cost of shipping, you can get a set of 30 cards to keep for yourself or to pass on to someone who needs a little more kindness.

Thanks for reading my list, if in fact, you made it all the way through. Imagine if we all did just one of these things every day. Together we can change the world. Kindness. Pass it on.

Happy Holidays from my little over-caffeinated corner of the world to yours. I wish each and every one of you a Happy and Healthy New Year.

DIY Holidays My Projects Uncategorized

Don’t miss the recent Redfin article I was featured in: “20 Easy Fall DIY Decor Ideas that You’ll Absolutely Love”

With leaves on the ground and pumpkin spice lattes in hand — there’s no doubt that fall is in full swing. One of our favorite things about this time of year is all the traditions that come with it, like roasting marshmallows by your backyard fire pit or watching scary movies. But nothing makes it feel like the new season is upon us like decorating our homes with festive, fall decor.

Whether it’s gathering materials from your yard to create warm-colored tablescapes or visiting your local craft store to make a DIY fall wreath, there are many creative and easy ways to embrace autumn in your home. To help inspire your seasonal decorating, Redfin reached out to experts for our most creative — yet simple — fall home decor projects. So before the cold temperatures approach and you have to prepare your home for winter, check out the Redfin article I was featured in and try out one (or more) of these fall DIY projects this season!

Check out our DIY Interchangeable Felt Flower Wreath here!

20 Easy Fall DIY Decor Ideas that You’ll Absolutely Love

Family Holidays Uncategorized


This year Halloween is going to look very different. Most of us will probably opt out of the traditional trick-or-treating for obvious reasons. So if you are looking for some fun ways to still celebrate with your kids, maybe you can consider an outside Halloween Party! Check out these fun ideas to make the holiday fun!
This post contains affiliate links. If purchased, I will receive a commission.

These fun balloons will definitely help create a whimsical and festive atmosphere! You can fill them with air or helium and they amazingly stay lit for up to 24 hours!
Check them out here: 50 pack halloween LED light up round balloons.

Have these skeletons crawling out in front of grave stones: Life Size Groundbreaker Skeleton Stakes

Set up a spooky grave yard and add a spot light for some drama.
17” Halloween Foam RIP Graveyard Tombstones (5 Pack)



Bounce the ping pong balls across the table and into the cups (yes, just like beer pong only family-friendly).
You can use a Sharpie to draw eyeballs on regular ping pong balls, or spring for these:
Creepy Plastic Eyeballs 20 Pieces


Who doesn’t love a scavenger hunt? Here’s a fun free printable that has some great ideas:






DIY Holidays Things I Love Uncategorized

Thanksgiving Garland Round-Up

Happy Thanksgiving! We hope your day is filled with lots of food, love, and thankfulness! We thought we’d share a little garland round up if you’re looking for some last-minute decor. Click the links below to see how to make each one!

Happy Thanksgiving 2016 | Garland Round Up | Vicky Barone

felt leaves | give thanks | felt pumpkins | pumpkin pie

DIY Parties and Events Uncategorized

DIY Pineapple Garland

Good morning, party people! In case you missed it, earlier this week we wrote about our Pineapple Party! Today we’re sharing the details on how to make the felt pineapple garland we used for decoration…

DIY Pineapple Garland | Vicky Barone

Supplies: yellow and green felt, card stock, scissors, a pencil, hot glue, and string.

1. Trace pineapple shapes onto card stock. You will want two templates, so trace one shape of the base of the pineapple and one of the crown. Make sure the crown template comes to a point at the bottom. This will be glued to the back of the base. Cut out shapes.
2. Use the base template to trace onto the yellow felt. Use the crown template to trace onto the green felt. Cut out shapes from felt.
3. Add hot glue to the bottom point of the green crown and attach to a yellow base. Repeat with the rest of the shapes.
4. To make the pineapples into a garland, attach to a piece of string or twine using more hot glue.
5. Hang and enjoy!

Pineapple Party | Vicky Barone

Does’t it make a great addition to the Pineapple Party?

DIY Pineapple Garland | Vicky Barone DIY Pineapple Garland | Vicky Barone

DIY Pineapple Garland | Vicky Barone

DIY Pineapple Garland | Vicky Barone DIY Pineapple Garland | Vicky Barone

Check back next week for even more details from the Pineapple Party!