DIY Holidays Kids Recipes

Candy Corn Marshmallow Pops

These tasty little marshmallows look just like candy corn when you dip them in melted chocolate! Add a lollipop stick to make them easy to hold in little hands this Halloween.

Candy Corn Marshmallow Pops | Vicky Barone

Ingredients: marshmallows, orange candy melts, yellow candy melts, and cake pop sticks.

1. Add a cake pop stick to each marshmallow.
2. Melt the orange candy melts in the microwave according to the directions. Dip each marshmallow into the orange candy melts until 2/3 of them are covered. You may need a spoon to help spread the melted chocolate around.
3. Let cool on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper.
4. Once the orange layer is hardened, melt the yellow candy melts and dip the bottom third of each marshmallow in the yellow.
5. Let cool and serve!

Candy Corn Marshmallow Pops | Vicky Barone

Serve these at your Halloween party or wrap them individually and give them out to trick-or-treaters!