DIY Holidays

Halloween Countdown Frame

Today marks 17 days until Halloween! Hooray! To keep track of all the exciting holiday countdowns coming up, we made a framed dry erase board! This seasonal DIY only takes a few minutes to create and can be personalized in so many different ways. Here’s how to make your own…

Halloween Countdown Frame | Vicky Barone

Supplies: 8×10 frame, scrapbook paper, printer, dry erase marker.

1. Choose a frame! We used a simple one from the Dollar Store.
2. Cut a piece of scrapbook paper to 8.5×11 so it fits in the printer.
3. Create a Word Document or a Google Document and type out “Days Until Halloween” at the bottom.
4. Print onto scrapbook paper and cut down to fit into the frame.
5. Add to frame and start writing with the dry erase marker!

This frame is perfect for all holidays. Just swap out the Halloween page for Thanksgiving once the big day is over! There is always something to celebrate, so the possibilities are endless.

Halloween Countdown Frame | Vicky Barone

Halloween Countdown Frame | Vicky Barone

Happy Almost-Halloween! Now to decide on a costume…

By vickybarone