Family Kids Toddler Wisdom

Toddler Wisdom: Rollin’ Out of Bed

Lately my four-year-old has been getting us up earlier than usual for morning potty breaks.  Waking up to hearing “I have to poop!” being yelled through the monitor is definitely worse than hearing just the regular alarm because the consequences of not getting up could include cleaning up an “accident” first thing in the morning.  Both my husband and I usually sit up immediately and one of us runs to the rescue.  The other morning I successfully sat him on the potty and in between his grunts this was the conversation we had:

“Mom, why do you look so tired?”

Me: “I just rolled out of bed, buddy.” (the same response I’ve had for the past week)

*pause while he considered this

“Mom? Why do you keep falling out of bed?”



Family Kids Toddler Wisdom

Toddler Wisdom: You’re wasting my time!

Over the weekend, my four-year-old had a Stewie from Family Guy moment:
“Mom Mom Mom Mom!”

Naturally, I gave him a taste of his own medicine and repeated his name over and over again.

His clever response?
“Mom. You’re wasting my time.”

Touché, son.

Toddler Wisdom

Toddler Wisdom: How can I make your day?

This morning as I was feeding my 11-month-old, my almost 4-year-old asked me a very important question:

“Mom, can I give you a kiss?”

With tears in my eyes at this sweet little unprovoked request, I told him yes of course and he kissed me on the cheek.”

“Thank you, sweetie, that made my day!”

A new air of positive influence about him, he ran into the kitchen to my husband to ask:

“Dad, how can I make your day?!”

Best start to my day, ever.
Hope everyone is starting their weekends right!

Toddler Wisdom

Toddler Wisdom: Smelly Dinosaurs

We’d like to present a new section of the blog: Toddler Wisdom!

Our oldest son will be four this Spring. Like most clever little boys his age, he says whatever is on his mind (and takes things very literally). Since he’s not as interested in sitting in small spaces or letting us gel his hair like his baby brother, we thought his wit deserved its own section.

“Dad, why do the dinosaurs smell so bad?”
Dad: “What do you mean?”
“Well, they’re ‘estinked!”