DIY Holidays Lifestyle Projects

DIY Merry Christmas Garland

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We made another garland for Christmas! Our Thanksgiving garland was so popular, we decided to make another for Christmas. This time we used red and green textured scrapbook paper and ivory scrap-booking letters. It was very easy to make and we are so happy with the end result!

DIY Merry Christmas Garland

Materials: Green and red scrapbook paper, adhesive chipboard alphabet letters (similar), a paper cutter and/or scissors, mini clothespins, and twine. You can find all of these materials in your local craft store!

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1. Using a paper cutter, cut scrapbook paper into 2.5 x 5 inch rectangles.
2. Cut a triangle out of the bottom of each paper rectangle using scissors. We made a stencil out of scrap paper to make sure each triangle cut was the same.
3. Remove the backing from the letters and attach to each paper flag.
4. Cut one long piece of twine (or two medium length pieces) and attach each flag with two mini clothespins, leaving equal space between the flags and extra twine on each end for hanging.

DIY Merry Christmas Garland

DIY Merry Christmas Garland

DIY Merry Christmas GarlandAs you can see by our extensive photo shoot, this garland goes great all over the house! Hang it from your mantle, on your Christmas tree, or on any wall for a festive touch to your home.

Happy Holidays!

By vickybarone

23 replies on “DIY Merry Christmas Garland”

[…] Si no eres de las que pones árbol de Navidad en casa por falta de espacio una guirnalda puede ser tu solución para dar un toque navideño a tu hogar. La primera idea con moldes de magdalenas queda muy vistosa y orginal y también es muy sencilla para poder hacer con los peques. La segunda, una guirnalda vertical, la puedes hacer tanto con cartulina (que luego pueden decorar los peques con pintura y purpurina) o hacerla directamente con gomaeva decorada y entonces solo tendrán que recortar. La tercera me parece perfecta para colocar en la puerta de la calle o en un ventana. […]

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